Reading of the Week - July 24, 2022

Our Community Reading for the Week comes to us from Omikemi, one of our Oakland staff members and readers. They have a unique reading for us using both Geomancy and Tarot! This reading starts today, Sunday July 24th and runs for the week ahead.

This chart was cast during a Mercurial Hour on a Jupiterian day. The Geomantic figures for this reading are Via, Cauda Draconis, Puella, and Fortuna Minor.

Via comes in strong and reminds you that there are going to be many constant shifts and changes happening in the week ahead, often repeating cycles in haphazard form. It is an encouragement to be both aware and flexible.

Cauda Draconis speaks specifically to an ending, letting go of past things and a completion process, some of which can be connected to a wellspring of generosity. If you notice things coming to a close, consider your connection to them and bow-out graciously if it is in your best interest.

Puella brings an often sweet and harmonious energy by way of Venus. She reminds us of how gently and lovingly we are cared for, honored, adored, and desired by those who we hold dear and who hold us in high-esteem. Seek this energy and she will surely seek you back.

Lastly, Fortuna Minor comes into play and reinforces the Venusian energy that Puella brings by reminding us to let those who want to love and support us back it up with action. Expect fortune that is difficult to dissipate and comes in abundance from outside sources; known and unknown.

The Tarot card that supports this reading is: 5 of Cups; a card that invokes a somber and yet necessary look deep within the wellspring of one’s heart and soul. We are being asked to be brutally honest with ourselves and to acknowledge our parts in the difficult aspects of life AND to also allow others who wish to aid us in healing to do so. We have to be okay with accepting love and support from others to make the the journey of life a little less difficult and heavy.

Omikemi offers Tarot readings utilizing a two-deck system; emphasizing and diving deeper into aspects of the tarot with a second deck to help further clarify any areas in the reading that the client would like.

To learn more or to book a reading with them visit their bio page on our website.