Reading of the Week - August 21, 2022

Our Reading for the Week comes from Miss Remy at our Portland store. Starting today Sunday, August 21st, she is using the Waking the Wild Spirit Tarot by Poppy Palin for this week's reading.

Page of Water: The Fortune Teller
The answers are much closer than you think. The help you've been asking for, is right in front of or next to you. You have to look within, and stop expecting some outside force or person is going to have YOUR answers for you... its your life!

Two of Water: Dream
Be creative, open your mind, take a step back, try to look at things differently. Sometimes we can't see what's right next to us because we're so busy looking up the road. Tap into yourself, and those around you. It might seem like a far fetched dream, but dreams can and do come true. Be open to guidance from unexpected places.

Five of Air: The Council
You have people around you, either directly or indirectly, who can assist you. We have to open up to people, and be honest with ourselves, but also with others. It takes a village, to have a village.

Miss Remy (she/her) is an Oracle and ordained High Priestess of the Goddess Selene, Psychic Medium, a Reiki Master/Teacher, Healer and Eclectic Witch. Her honest give-it-to-me-straight attitude, vast and varied knowledge, compassion and sense of humor make her an asset for our store, our customers and our community.

For more about Miss Remy and the readings she provides, stop by her bio page where you can book your own reading with her