Begin Anew Spell

We all have those moments in our life when we want to let go of whatever might be holding us back. We want to transform ourselves and step into being the person we would like to be. It’s hard work to change, this spell will help you to focus your intentions and to manifest the changes you would like to see in your life.

What you'll need: 

Paper or Bay leaves

Any type of candle

Essential oil 

Ground herbs 

Fire proof container

Depending on what type of candle you decided to use, you can either roll it in essential oil (chime or taper) or drip a bit of the oil into the top (jar, votive, tealight). I tend to like Rosemary, Lavender or Eucalyptus essential oil but you can use whichever you prefer. It's the action and the intension that matter. After you have added the essential oil then do the same with the herbs; either roll the candle or sprinkle them in the top. While you dress your candle focus on what you would like to manifest in your life. 

What type of herbs should you use? I would either use a already formulated powder created by a witch (we have a great uncrossing powder here at The Raven’s Wing), or if you want to be DYI you could grind up some herbs using ones that help with new beginnings, ones that are energy clearing or ones that signify those things you would like to bring into your life: Angelica, Queen Anne's Lace, and eucalyptus are just a couple that come to mind. You can check out the list of herbs we have available at the Raven's Wing in either Portland or Oakland

After you've finished dressing your candle it's time to light it. Concentrate on the flame and think about what you hope to achieve over the next month. 

On either a piece of paper or on a bay leaf write down what it it that you wish to let go of. It can be anything that is no longer serving you. Bay leaves are perfect and smell wonderful when burnt. Your intension here is more important than perfection though and paper will work just fine. 

Finally burn the bay leaf/paper in the fire making sure it goes into the fire proof bowl as it burns. As it burns breath in deeply and imagine whatever is no longer serving you melting away. That the fire of the candle is replacing it with what you desire to manifest.

Depending on what type of candle you are using you can either wait for the candle to go out by itself or snuff it out and perform this same ritual for as many days as you might need. It's especially powerful if you do so on the three days of the new moon, the day of, the one before and the one after. 

By Annie Aube

To learn more about Annie check out her website, social media, or store bio

Image by Hans from Pixabay