Full Moon in Pisces - September 10, 2022

By the time this posts, we will already have the Full Moon energies in full swing. There is still time for a bit of insight on what is happening from Andi, our resident astrologer (and Oakland store manager). Here is what he has for us:

The Pisces full moon reaches its peak in the wee hours at 2:59am on Saturday, September 10, 2022.

Of all the full moons every year, the Pisces full moon is the dreamiest, most cuddle puddly of them all and this particular full moon is even more mystical due to its proximity to Neptune, the planet of spiritual transformation and dissolution.

Pay extra attention to your dreams this weekend! With Mercury just recently stationed retrograde, you may receive new information about an (un)resolved issue from the past or maybe your feelings about the situation shift, creating more space.

The energy or this full moon is generally quite porous so be mindful about who you're spending time with or being in large crowds where you can pick up someone else's energy.

The Virgo-Pisces polarity asks us to practice good hygiene, including spiritual or energetic hygiene. If you do feel like you need an auric lint roller, I recommend a simple bath with salt and rosemary, both of which are cleansing and protective. A plunge into the Piscean waters of the ocean will also do!

For a more in-depth astrological reading, book a session with Andi. He offers several types to choose from (Natal, Transit, Solar Return, and Vocational) to help you really know what is going on in your life.

Andi has returned to offering in-person sessions at our Oakland store as well as by phone and Zoom. To learn more, and book with Andi use the Book Now button on his bio page.