Reading of the Week - January 22, 2023

Our Reading for the Week comes from Miss Remy @OracularMoonPDX at our Portland store. Starting today Sunday, January 22nd and running through the week. She is using The Threadbound Oracle for this week's reading.

The Waters
Now that the holiday season is over, and we are settling into this new year; The Waters tell us to rest. We are still in the dark of winter, it's the time to hibernate, rejuvenate and recuperate. Allow these winter rain showers to washaway the old.

The Ritual
Take this time as you rest, to remember. Remember your power, your capabilities and your talents. Honor yourself, in your perfect imperfections. Look how far you've come! Look at all you've been through, and much stronger you are for it.

Two of Paper: Page
Many options are before you. Take this time of inner reflection to make some hard choices. We have entered a new world and way of being... how do you choose to walk through and engage in this "new world?"

For more about Miss Remy and the readings she provides, stop by her bio page on our website where you can book your own reading with her.