Reading of the Week - January 29, 2023

Our Community Reading for the Week comes from Portland store staff member and reader Deliah. Looking ahead from today, Sunday, January 29th and running for the week. She is using The Sovereign Oracle by Theresa Pridemore for this reading.

Body (3D) - Initiate
“Just get started…a beginning only takes a moment. Assign yourself the title now. Choose to align with the joyful discovery that awaits you on the journey ahead.” 🔮 There is no need to wait to start doing what it is we have dreamed of, it’s time to take action - even if it is just a small step.

Mind (5D) - Liminal
“Breathe through the confusion; discover fledgling inspiration. Uncertain places are where the most exciting visions are born. The zone of infinite possibility calls you into a time of magic.” 🔮 Use this time of uncertainty as the fuel to unlock the hidden doors that lead us to a future we desire. There is room for more to unfold if you allow it.

Spirit (7D) - Expression
“Your creative soul beckons you to create something tangible. Wait no longer. What you wish to make, wishes you to make it. Tell us the truth, with beauty.” 🔮 The soul is yearning to be expressed and there simply is no time to waste. The entire spiritual body is being hard hit with the downloads to wake up our higher dimensional creative forces and start putting them into the physical world NOW! Stop thinking about it and just start doing it.

If you have questions about spirits, spellwork, herbalism, multi-dimensional topics, divination, or dream work, stop by the Portland location. Deliah will be happy to assist you in the shop and help you find what you need!