Reading of the Week - November 6, 2023

Our latest Reading of the Week (starting today November 6th and running for the week ahead) was provided to us by Nissa, using the Edmund Dulac tarot.

Knight of Wands
After a period of stagnancy, it comes time to get moving again. Motivation is returning, slow and steady, and with caution. Whether a creative project, a career endeavor, or ideas of travel, courage to get started is coming back. Whatever has been procrastinated, or lingering on the back of your mind, is now showing itself and seeking action. Seeds want to be planted, so they can start sprouting soon enough.

Five of Swords
This card tells us that even though we may want to stride forward and take action, there’s hesitation to do so. As a communal energy, we’ve been motionless for a while now. Internal conflict, failed past attempts, or insecurity are holding back our potential. This is the uncertainty that is affecting the Knight of Wands. Lack of confidence shies us away from pushing forward, but that shouldn’t stifle attempts to progress. No matter the obstacles, the only way forward is through. 

What to Fall Back On: The Empress
This is the energy to lean into right now, through your forward strifes. Remember the nature of nurture. Pat yourself on the back for trying. Even if the energy is yet to turn kinetic, potential still has power. It is the spark of wanting to try again that will bring momentum. Believe in your ability, believe in being able to fall back onto yourself when in doubt. There is an inspiration in the air, and within you, to try and try again. Creativity is blossoming, and the best way to channel it is to focus on the process instead of the outcome. 

As a tarot reader, Nissa’s background in artistry unlocks unique interpretations. She utilizes and personalizes the art of the cards to deepen each reading.

Find out more about Nissa on their bio page.