Reading of the Week - February 12, 2023

For our Community Reading for the Week we asked Jenny in our Portland store for her take on what we have to look forward to. This reading starts today, Sunday February 12th and runs for the week. For this reading Jenny is using Cosma Visions by James R. Eads

Four of Embers:
Home is a thing we make, a creation of our hearts and intentions, shaped by the people we love and who love us; it can be in a space where we dwell but it isn't there by default, and sometimes it is notably absent. This week it's time to be intentional about creating or affirming home, whatever and wherever that is for us. It doesn't have to look a particular way; we know it by the way it feels - safe. It's not always easy to achieve, and it often goes better when we can co-create it collectively, but it is always worth the effort.

I - The Crow:
Also remember! We carry the spark of the divine within us, and our divine fire empowers us to make change, rock the boat, disturb the status quo. Change comes to us all, so let's do some initiating rather than just getting dragged along. Let us spread our wings and direct our flight to where we'd like to go. We have agency, so let's use it!

If you would like to get a personal reading from Jenny, she offers both 30 and 60 minute sessions in our Portland store both in person or by phone.

You can easily book a reading with her at her bio page.