Reading of the Week - March 12, 2023

Our Reading for the Week comes from Omikemi, Oakland staff member and reader. This reading starts today, Sunday March 12th and runs for the week ahead. For this week's reading, they are using Diablo; The Sanctuary Tarot Deck and Guidebook.

Three of Wands:
What we have seen before us we cannot unsee. We have chosen our path and we now owe it to ourselves and the energy we are directing that way to follow through; commitment is imperative to success for this week. Don’t turn back.

I pity any and all who have to face your proverbial gavel in this phase of determination and execution. What matters most is not what has/is being done but HOW you perceive it. In this instance you are judge, jury, executioner, and the absolver of iniquity. Be sure to clean your eye-glass lenses and do your breathing meditations as the words you speak and how you perceive the world will interact fiercely with one another. Words. Tone. Attitude. Thoughts. Energy. Be mindful of who, what, and how you Sentence each other.

Five of Pentacles:
Some crops yield better with Honey; others with Vinegar. The “right” choice depends on the outcome you desire; like doesn’t only attract like. Tune into yourself to see where you are fiscally, emotionally and energetically. Check on your friends and extend kindness, compassion, and loving support that is within your means. As for your enemies; deal with them in an manner that you yourself can stomach. UNNECESSARY harshness tends to ricochet like a boomerang, and JUSTIFIED deals always seem to be effortless. Will you be a helping hand or a low blow? Remember to wield your power responsibly…

Omikemi offers Tarot readings, both by phone and in-person, They utilize a two-deck system that uses a second deck to help clarify any areas that the client would like.

To learn more visit their bio page.