Full Moon in Virgo - March 7, 2023

By the time this posts, the Full Moon in Virgo will have reached its peak fullness at 4:40am PST, so the enegies have already started to shift in big ways by the time you are reading this. Anders, our resident astrologer and Oakland store manager, has some interesting insights to share:

March 7th is one of many auspicious days this month - Saturn moves into Pisces and we get a Full Moon in Virgo!

Saturn and Virgo both love containers - they are useful for organizing, tracking, separating. Saturn in Pisces has the gargantuan and sometimes impossible task of containing that which resists being confined - the ocean, our emotions, the unseen realm of the spirit.

I love that our introduction to Saturn in Pisces comes with this Virgo Full Moon that brings a "Yes, We Can Do It If We Break It Down Into Smaller Tasks First" vibe.

This Full Moon is also in relationship with Uranus so there is potential for thinking outside the container in order to try new organization methods. What goals would you like to accomplish in the next three years? What small thing can you do today or this week that takes you one step closer to that goal?

And just a reminder - Anders is hosting an in-person Aries New Moon Astro-Ritual in our Oakland store this coming up later this month.

⭐️ Aries New Moon Astro-Ritual ⭐️
Tuesday, March 21 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
🌚 In-Person at our Oakland location 🌚

Part astrology class and part ritual, we'll spend some time exploring Aries energies through discussion and then do a ritual that embodies those themes. This class is open to folks from all levels of experience with astrology and magic, especially if you've been looking to incorporate more astrology into your magic practice or vice versa or just want to connect with other magical folks.