Reading of the Week - March 5, 2023

It's time for our Community Reading for the Week! This week Iris from our Portland store shares her insights on what is in store for us in the week ahead. This reading starts today (Sunday, March 5th) and runs through the end of the week. She is using the the Gentle Tarot (pocket edition) by Mari in the Sky for this week's reading.

The past brings us XXII The Unseen, the influences that have been there from the beginning. Our own childhood and our experiences, but also the assumptions and projections we all live under all the time, that go unnoticed. You are carrying this weight, whether you know it or not. For some of us, it has made us feel strong and capable; but some of us feel only weary.

The present arrives with the Ace of Cups, an offering of sustenance. A moment of respite, perhaps a moment shared between close friends. The present asks us to seek out nurturance and care, even as we see that others need care. We are being asked to quench our thirsts, to make the world less thirsty.

The future promises the Eight of Wands, a swift change. There are steps to be taken, the path is ahead of us, but we must start moving forward. We cannot delay, this change is on it's way to us, and we must change to meet it.

Besides being a talented reader, Iris also hosts the monthly on-line Tarot Salon to help others learn about the Tarot and how to read cards for themselves and others.

The next session is happening this week on Wednesday, March 8th.