Bright Spring Tea for a gray day

We are each the axis mundi at the center of our own lives, connecting earth and sky. As we attempt to navigate this chaotic moment, it can be helpful to ground, nourish, and uplift our bodies and spirits with a nice cup of tea. When grounded, we can safely conduct the crackling energy of change that is in the air, and even let a little of it spark new directions for ourselves.

May this formula help you to ride the current toward hope and growth.

from Jenny in Portland, on a rainy day

Bright Spring Tea

2 Tbs cardamom pods, slightly crushed - for spiciness

4 Tbs oatstraw - for nourishment and ease

4 Tbs damiana - to get the juices flowing

1 Tbs burdock root - for grounding

2 Tbs hawthorn berries - to stir the heart