Reading of the Week - March 27, 2022

Our Community Reading for the Week comes from Miss Remy at our Portland store. Starting today Sunday, March 26th, she is using The Dark Goddess Tarot for this week's reading.

Three of Earth - Norns
The 3 Norns, are the Goddesses of Fate; and arrive at this time to bring your attention to ALL the past, everything that has led you to who and where you are in this very moment. Some of these past moments are full of joy; and others trauma. The question is, which of those experiences will you, in THIS moment, choose to heal? Which of these experiences do you choose to carry with you into the next phase of your life? The 3 sisters also remind you to work together and cooperate with yourself. You are the only one standing in your way.

Siren of Air - Lillith
The Ancient Goddess Lillith, Queen of Ultimate Self-Sovereignty. Monsters hide in the shadows, especially in the shadows of the soul. Lillith arrives to say stop hiding under the covers, turn on the lights and deal with your shit. Quit hiding from yourself, stop compromising yourself and your soul. Embrace yourself; your shadows, your demons and your trauma. Find the strength to look in the mirror, and learn to love the beast you see in the reflection!

Eight of Earth - Cailleach
The One-eyed Goddess of Winter. The Cailleach comes to remind you, that in the work that really matters, there are no short-cuts, no half-assing it. If you want REAL and LASTING results, then you gotta do the work. The dirty, back-breaking, ugly and highly emotional Shadow-Work of the soul. Though, of course, it would be way easier to just keep ignoring things, keep doing the same old daily stuff that has you hating yourself and your life. Choice is yours.

Miss Remy uses a combination of oracle cards, empathy, Reiki and psychic intuition to provide deep and meaningful readings and healings with her clients.

For more about Miss Remy and the readings she provides, stop by her bio page on our website where you can book your own reading with her.