New Moon in Aries - March 31, 2022

Tommorow is the Aries New Moon! No doubt there is going to be a shift in energies around us - so let's get Andi, or Oakland store manager and in-house astrologer to give us his views on what we should be expecting!

Grab the tissues, a journal, and maybe your running shoes or a pillow to punch or scream into because this Aries New Moon might get a little...intense.

The Sun and Moon meet up at 11 degrees Aries, nestled between Mercury at 9 degrees and Chiron at 12 degrees. Mercury is the messenger, and when in Aries the message can't be delivered fast enough! Chiron is a minor planet or comet between Saturn and Uranus that carries the archetype of "The Wounded Healer" and often brings opportunities to revisit and heal from painful situations far in the past.

If the Sun is our identity and the Moon is our feelings, when you bring all these planets together in the fiery, feisty sign of Aries you run the risk of overidentifying with your feelings, thinking that it's either ALL your fault or NEVER your fault and then acting impulsively from these feelings in a way that echo old patterns of behavior. While it may be painful at the moment, Chiron shows us that our tried and true ways of coping may no longer be helping us and gives us an invitation to try something new. This is the New Moon after all!

Though it happens on Thursday at 11:34pm, we'll be feeling the effects of it lingering for a few days as the Sun and Mercury meet up with Chiron directly. And I'm sure there will be plenty more opportunities to practice these new coping skills, trust me!

For a more in-depth astrological reading, book a session with Andi. He offers several types to choose from (Natal, Transit, Solar Return, and Vocational) to help you really know what is going on in your life.

Andi has returned to offering in-person sessions as well as by phone.

To learn more, and book with Andi click on over to his bio page for more.