Reading of the Week - April 3, 2022

Jenny in our Portland store was tagged to give us our Community Reading for the Week, which starts today (April 3rd) and runs through the end of the week. For this reading Jenny is using The Sherlock Holmes Tarot by John Matthews and Wil Kinghan.

Thinking: Seven of Deduction -
We may still be in a state of disbelief about the way things are playing out, but it's not a personal failing that we didn't see it coming. Still, we need to remain flexible in our thinking and approach in order to find our way.

Feeling: Six of Analysis -
Past experiences have shaped the way we seek comfort. There's always a part of us that is still tender and needs gentle care, let us be kind to ourselves about it, and about other people's tenderness too.

Doing: 6 The Lovers -
Everything just goes better when we connect with people we care about, in hard times and in good times. Humans need each other, it's our greatest strength.

Note From the Universe: Eight of Observation -
It's easy to hold back when the world feels overwhelming, but it's going to keep being itself and so must we. Waiting until the perfect moment means waiting forever.

If you would like to get a personal reading from Jenny, she offers both 30 and 60 minute sessions in person at the Portland store or by phone.

You can easily book a reading with her when you visit her bio page.