Reading of the Week - October 16, 2023

We asked Jenny for our Reading of the Week. Using the White Numen Tarot: A Sacred Animal Deck, this reading starts today (October 16th) and peeks into the week ahead.

The Emperor
When things seem frightening, it's natural to want to clamp down and hold on more tightly. Being in control makes us feel that we are safe, but is that really true? Are we trying to control things so much that we are actually causing harm to ourself as well as to others?

Five of Pentacles
We have struggled, and it has shaped us. Perhaps making us more wise, but also making us disillusioned. Survival mode can only carry us so far, can we believe that things will get better?

Four of Pentacles
It's time to regroup, to conserve our resources, and ground and center ourselves. Sometimes the urgency of our current times makes us forget that the earth moves at a slower pace, and we are part of the earth. It's necessary to remember that right now.

Jenny is a witch with her feet on the ground and her head firmly among the stars. As an artist, diviner, and herbalist, Jenny's path has been anything but direct.

It is the diversity of those experiences that informs her intuitive tarot readings, and her practical approach to deriving real-life advice from the esoteric messages of the tarot.

To get a personal reading from Jenny, visit her Bio Page.