Resources from the November Death Cafe

Here are the links from tonight's Death Cafe.
*Reminder that we're just pulling these links without knowing much about them. Death Cafes do not promote any services or products.



A favorite death video

Ask a Mortician just did a video about human composting


New movie coming out about what was happening inside the hospitals during the first wave of the pandemic

Miscellaneous Death Resources and Lore

Mortuary “Last Responder” face mask

New Moon in Scorpio - November 2021

Our in-house astrologer Andi has some words to share about the Scorpio New Moon coming up tomorrow so we can all know what to expect in the days to come.

The Scorpio new moon arrives at 2:15pm Thursday and it is exactly opposite Uranus in Taurus. Whenever Uranus is involved, you can expect the unexpected. And with Saturn and Mars squaring each other, this new moon has no chill. If you choose to do any kind of ritual or magic at this time, I recommend detaching from any idea of what the result might look like and how long it will take (that's always a good idea but especially now!).

November in general is full of many tense moments as Saturn and Uranus prepare to square off again next month and Mars adds fuel to the fire from its home sign of Scorpio. This new moon also marks the beginning of eclipse season as the full moon on the 19th will be a partial lunar eclipse.

While Scorpio is a fixed water sign and may have a tendency to hold on or obsess, the astrology right now is all about letting go. Use the investigative, penetrating Scorpio energy of this new moon to get curious about why you hold on and what fears keep you from letting go. You will might be surprised by what you find!

Full Moon in Aries - October 2021

The Full Moon is upon us, so it's time to ask Andi about what we should expect as we move into a new set of energies. Here is what he has to share with us:

Tomorrow morning at 7:59am PST, the Aries Moon will oppose the Sun in Libra both at 27 degrees. While an Aries full moon usually doesn't have much chill, this one is especially volatile. The Sun is still very close to Mars and Mercury is slowly emerging from its retrograde cycle.

Given the time of day this full moon peaks, please be careful on your morning commutes y'all! That includes watching your own tendencies to be impatient or passive aggressive on the road. Reschedule those early meetings if you can, the moon moves into Taurus at 1pm that day relieving some of the pressure.

And on top of all that, The Moon, Sun and Mars are all squaring Pluto in Capricorn. Whenever Pluto is involved, you can expect themes of power, obsession, and things coming to light that we prefer remain hidden.

Amidst all this intensity, there is the potential for some kind of release. Mercury is opposite Chiron, the Wounded Healer, so the revelations that come may be painful in the moment. If you can sit with the discomfort, there is an old skin being shed and a new you ready to emerge. It takes courage to leave behind the old stories / ways of being and this Mars ruled Aries moon has lots of courage so lean into it!

New Moon in Libra - October 2021

Our in-house astrologer Andi has some words to share about the New Moon coming up tomorrow in advance of the first session of the new Cosmic Consciousness: Astro-Wellness Salon!

Tomorrow at 4:04am we have a new moon in Libra at 13 degrees and it is going to be a feisty one! Mars, the planet of action and desire, is also in Libra, not quite a full degree away from the Sun and Moon.

Libra is not a comfortable sign for Mars since it cannot act as directly and swiftly as it wants because it has to take into account all of the social ramifications of its actions. So this leads to using indirect means or sometimes even passive aggressiveness. Also, when Mars is this close to the Sun, it is no longer visible in the sky and weakened in its ability to achieve.

Have you noticed over the past week that people seem to be a bit more on edge? This is a good new moon to pick a fight with someone but it probably won't be that satisfying. Try to find other Libran outlets for that Martian energy - make some aggro art, dance it out to your fave angsty music from your teens, rearrange your furniture, have a dialogue with your anger and ask it what it wants.

Mercury Retrograde! - September 2021

Oh No! Mercury Retrograde! Time to ask Andi (Oakland store manager and in-house astrologer) what to expect this time! This is what he has to say:

On Sunday 9/26 Mercury begins its retrograde journey through the sign of Libra, retracing its steps from 25 degrees to 10 degrees when it stations direct on 10/18. When planets begin or end a retrograde cycle, they are moving so slowly that transits that may usually last a day or two can stretch out for sometimes several weeks. As Mercury goes retrograde, it is trining Jupiter, squaring Pluto and opposing Eris (a dwarf planet beyond Pluto named after the Goddess of Chaos).

Have you been holding on to some news or information that you know will upset others or rock the boat? This week may push you to blurt it out and/or obsess about the details of it. Whatever you communicate or decide at this time may not last and will likely need to be revisited during the retrograde, probably around 10/9 when Mercury meets up with the Sun. When Mercury stations direct on 10/18 it will oppose Chiron, indicating that there will be some delayed emotional blowback. When we cause waves, our own boats can get rocked too. Something painful may be revealed, try to lean into that Libran superpower of seeing the situation from another perspective.

Full Moon in Pisces - September 2021

The Full Moon is coming up on Monday, so what better time to ask Andi, our Oakland store manager and an amazing astrologer, what energy shift we should be working with. Here is what he has to say:

This Monday at 4:55pm PST there will be a Full Moon at 28 degrees Pisces with the Sun at 28 degrees Virgo. The Sabian symbols for this full moon are quite revealing, literally: "Light breaking into many colors as it passes through a prism" (Moon) and "A person gaining secret knowledge from an ancient scroll they are reading" (Sun). What insights can you glean from this last month of Virgo season spent analyzing the details and cleaning out neglected spaces? This Full Moon is likely to illuminate and bring psychic clarity to an issue that has been perplexing you, such that you can now see it clearly for each of its parts.

Also during this Full Moon chart Mercury (ruler of the Sun) is both squaring Pluto and trining Jupiter (ruler of the Moon). You may be super jazzed to share this new information but be mindful about how you choose to communicate these insights with those around you. We are also officially in the Mercury retrograde shadow (starts 9/29) so may even change your own mind in the coming weeks. Be patient, the truth will endure if it is indeed true.

New Moon in Virgo - September 2021

With the New Moon coming up on Monday, it’s time to ask Andi, our Oakland store manager and an amazing astrologer, what we can be ready for in this energy shift. Here is what he has to say:

Monday's Virgo new moon arrives at 5:50pm PST at 14 degrees, making an exact trine to Uranus in Taurus, the planet of sudden change and revolution. While Virgo energy is often associated with being critical and clean, at its essence Virgo is about discerning the right time to take action and being of service to others. With so much climate catastrophe unfolding all around us, what can you do from where you are? There are mutual aid projects in Louisiana and New York that are helping folks on the ground, what do you have to offer?

On a personal level, this could be an excellent time to start a new habit for your health or shake up your routine. We can't help others if we aren't taking care of ourselves too. There may be some blowback from the changes you make because Mercury opposes Chiron and Venus squares Pluto. If there is anyone in your life who is invested in and attached to you not being well, this will come to the surface as you start to move in a different direction. Let them go with love, Virgo knows there's much work to do and little time to do it.

Full Moon in Aquarius - August 2021

Our Oakland store manager Andi is an amazing astrologer! We asked him to give us a look at tomorrow's Full Moon so we can be ready for the energy shift. Here is what he has to say:

Leo season comes to a close the same way it started, with an Aquarius full moon!

Around 5am PST on Sunday, just after meeting up with Jupiter in Aquarius, the moon will oppose the Sun at 29 degrees. At the same time, Venus and Saturn make a positive aspect to each other in their home signs of Libra and Aquarius.

The word that keeps coming to mind for this full moon is: DIGNITY. What has Leo season taught you about self-love and respect? What areas of your life do you feel sovereignty? All of this will come to light and get magnified by Jupiter's presence. Where do you need to take up more space and are there places where you actually need to step back? Jupiter can lend itself to self-aggrandizing gestures, so watch out for any tendencies to get up on the soapbox and proclaim your opinions as Truth.

If you would like to get a more in-depth astrological reading for yourself, book a reading with Andi. He offers several types to choose from: Natal, Transit, Solar Return, and Vocational readings to help you really know what is going on in your life.

Resources from the August Death Cafe

Here are the links from tonight's Death Cafe.
*Reminder that we're just pulling these links without knowing much about them. Death Cafes do not promote any services or products.


Finding Meaning, the Sixth Stage of Grief by David Kessler

Green Burial Handbook



The Life of Death

The Egg



@dying2livepod - podcast

@kelly.m.guyon - for general death talk

New Moon in Leo - August 2021

Andi, our store manager in the Oakland location, is an amazing astrologer! We have a New Moon coming up tomorrow morning, so we asked about what energy shift can we look forward to. Here is what he has to say:

RAWWWR!! Can you hear the Lion's roar?

This Sunday 8/8 at 6:45am PST we have a new moon at 16 degrees Leo. This new moon is an excellent time to call in more bravery, creativity, generosity and self-confidence. However, we can't ignore that this new moon is creating a T-square with Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, which are in a tense aspect for the rest of 2021 and into 2022. We have been living with this tension between freedom and restriction, revolution and tradition, all year long.

The regal Leo new moon invites us to respond to the external uncertainty by taking action where we do have control: our selves.

Here's a new moon ritual you can do:
Write a letter to your future self about everything you love about yourself in the present and everything you imagine you will love about this future self too. You can burn a gold or orange candle on top of the letter and dance in celebration of the you that you are becoming! Read this letter in 6 months on 2/16 on the Leo Full moon and see how much you have grown.

Full Moon in Aquarius

Did you know that Andi, our store manager in the Oakland location, is an amazing astrologer? With the Full Moon coming up today, it felt like the right time to see what information he could share with us, and what energies we might be dealing with - here is what he wants us to know:

This Friday at 7:37pm PST there will be a full moon at 1 degree Aquarius. Yesterday the Sun moved into its home sign, leaving behind the salty, sentimental waters of Cancer for the radiant, joyous glow of Leo. True to form, Leo season is super Extra right from the start with this first of two Aquarius full moons (the next one will be 8/22). What was lurking beneath the surface is now in the spotlight and it may feel vulnerable to have your feelings on display. But there is a freedom that comes from airing it all out.

The Sabian Symbols for this full moon are: Sun 1 degree Leo - "An epidemic of mumps" and Moon 1 degree Aquarius - "An unexpected thunderstorm" Wow, I swear you can't make this stuff up! This pair of images reveals a lesson that we all have learned in the last year - change can be sudden, widespread and unpredictable. The Leo-Aquarius polarity highlights the pull and balance between being an individual and part of a group. We are not insignificant and our choices do impact others. We also need each other to get through this! Watch for sudden insights about what role you play in your communities and get curious about the mutual impact of your actions on others.